Federal agencies in the US must make their electronic and information technology (EIT) accessible to people with disabilities under Section 508, a federal law. This statute, which was passed in 1998 as an update to the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, has subsequently grown into a crucial piece of legislation for guaranteeing that all Americans have equal access to information.

All government agencies and contractors that create or maintain electronic and information technology are subject to Section 508. This category falls under websites, software, mobile apps, and electronic documents. The law establishes precise requirements for accessibility, including giving non-text information text equivalents, guaranteeing that all functionality can be accessed with a keyboard, and creating pages that are simple to use with screen readers.

The Importance of Section 508

For people with disabilities to have equitable access to information and communication technology, Section 508 is crucial. Technology has become an integral component of our daily life in the current digital era. Technology has completely changed the way we engage with the world around us, from e-commerce to e-learning.

Technology can be a lifesaver for persons with impairments. It makes information, communication, and services available that might not otherwise be available. However, if this technology is not usable by individuals with disabilities, it may erect obstacles and prevent them from taking part in society.

Section 508 is essential because it ensures that technology is designed with accessibility in mind. It requires federal agencies and their contractors to make their technology accessible to people with disabilities, so they can participate fully in all aspects of society.

Who is Covered by Section 508?

All government agencies and contractors that create or maintain electronic and information technology are subject to Section 508. The Department of Defense, the Department of Education, and the Department of Health and Human Services are a few examples of these organizations.

The provisions of Section 508 also apply to federal contractors. This comprises businesses that offer technology-related goods or services to government organizations. These businesses must make sure that the Section 508 accessibility criteria are met by their goods and services.

Accessibility Standards outlined in Section 508

Specific accessibility criteria are established by Section 508, which are adhered to by federal agencies and their contractors. These requirements are intended to guarantee that technology is usable by those with disabilities.

Here are some of the key accessibility standards outlined in Section 508:

Text alternatives: Screen readers must be able to read all non-text content that has a text alternative. Images, movies, and audio files are included in this.


Accessibility through the keyboard: A keyboard must be used to access every feature. This indicates that users should be able to use just their keyboards to browse a website or piece of software, eliminating the requirement for a mouse.


Color contrast: Text and images must have enough color contrast for those with low eyesight to read them.


Navigation: Pages must be created so that screen readers may browse them with ease. Headings, lists, and other navigational components are used in this.


Time-based media: To be accessible to those who are hard of hearing or deaf, audio and video content must have captions or transcripts.

Time-based media

Forms: Forms must be made accessible to those with disabilities. Labels, error messages, and instructions that screen readers can read are all examples of this.


Compatibility: The use of assistive devices like screen readers, screen magnifiers, and speech recognition software must be compatible with the technology.


By following these accessibility standards, federal agencies and their contractors can ensure that their technology is accessible to people with disabilities.

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The crucial law known as Section 508 makes sure that people with disabilities can access technology. It establishes certain requirements for accessibility that federal agencies and their contractors must adhere to. Organizations can contribute to the creation of a more inclusive society where persons with disabilities can actively engage in all facets of life by adhering to Section 508. To ensure that everyone has equitable access to information and communication technology as it develops, accessibility must be prioritized going forward.