The World Wide Web is a tool that has lowered geographical and linguistic boundaries and thereby brought people from all over the world together. But this same platform has also largely ignored a group of people, notably those with impairments. Around 15% of people worldwide are thought to have some kind of handicap. The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) were developed to address this problem. The WCAG offers recommendations for how to make web material usable by those with impairments, guaranteeing that everyone has access to information and web functionality. We’ll go through what WCAG compliance is in this blog post, why it’s significant, and how web designers and company owners can make sure their websites are usable by everyone.

What is WCAG Compliance?

A set of standards and rules called the WCAG are used to make web content accessible to those with disabilities. The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), the principal international standards body for the internet, developed it. The WCAG offers recommendations for creating websites that are usable by everybody, regardless of their ability. Four concepts make up the WCAG: perceivable, operable, intelligible, and robust. To ensure accessibility, each principle has unique requirements and success criteria that must be met.

Why is WCAG compliance important?

WCAG compliance is important for several reasons. 

First of all, it makes sure that everyone has equal access to online resources and features. This is crucial for those with disabilities, who could encounter difficulties utilizing the internet. Web designers and company owners may guarantee that all users, regardless of ability, can access their websites by adhering to the WCAG guidelines.

Second, from a legal standpoint, WCAG compliance is also crucial. Accessibility is seen as a legal necessity in numerous nations, including the US and the EU. This means that companies and organizations risk legal repercussions if they fail to make sure that their websites are accessible to those with impairments. 

Finally, WCAG compliance is also important from a business perspective. Making your website accessible to all users, including those with disabilities, can increase your target audience and customer base. It can also improve your website’s search engine optimization (SEO) and user experience (UX). By making your website accessible, you can ensure that everyone has an equal opportunity to use your site and engage with your business.

How to Ensure WCAG Compliance

There are several steps that web developers and business owners can take to ensure WCAG compliance.

1. Perform an accessibility audit

The first step in ensuring WCAG compliance is to perform an accessibility audit of your website. An accessibility audit will identify any barriers that people with disabilities may face when using your site. This may include issues with color contrast, text size, and keyboard navigation. An accessibility audit can be performed by an accessibility specialist or using an automated tool.

2. Use accessible design and development practices

Once you have identified any barriers on your site, the next step is to remove them. This can be done by using accessible design and development practices. For example, using proper color contrast, providing alternative text for images, and ensuring that all content is keyboard accessible.

3. Test your website regularly

It’s important to test your website regularly to ensure that it remains accessible to all users. This can be done by conducting user testing with people with disabilities, or by using automated accessibility testing tools.

4. Train your team

Finally, it’s important to train your team on the importance of accessibility and the WCAG guidelines. This will help ensure that all members of your team understand the importance of accessibility.