PDF Accessibility is a crucial element to consider for your business, irrespective of the type of industry. You must build all your digital materials with accessibility in mind in order to provide an equitable experience for all users, even if they are impaired.

Whether you’re an insurance company, a financial institution, a school, a corner bakery, or any other type of organization that has to provide an accessible website, the documents you upload to your website must be accessible. Users will be able to see the crucial information you present on your website if you make your documents accessible.

How to remediate PDF for accessibility?

Our PDF accessibility specialists work with your PDFs to resolve accessibility issues and ensure that all publications comply with Section 508, WCAG, and ADA guidelines. Our accessibility professionals personally analyze each page of your file during the document remediation process, following accessibility rules and norms.

Accessibility checks include:
  • Color contrast
  • Reading order
  • Heading structure
  • Table structure
  • Alternative text

We add a tag structure to your PDFs so that screen readers and other assistive technologies can read them. If your document has a table, for example, each table element must be properly labeled in order for a screen reader to navigate the table in an acceptable manner. This involves specifying the scope of each header cell and having a table header structure.

Can you automate the PDF remediation process?

Document accessibility, like checking a website for accessibility, always necessitates human effort. The only method to ensure that your documents are completely accessible is to manually establish a proper tag structure. Using a tool like Adobe Acrobat DC’s auto tag option might be a good place to start, but it’s only the beginning and not sufficient to create accessible PDFs.

You cannot automate the following things in document accessibility:

Color contrast

Color contrast testing that is automated is quite useful. It can’t, however, catch everything. An automated test, for example, will inform you if the text has enough contrast against the page’s backdrop. It won’t take into consideration the color of a picture behind the text.

Reading Order

Even though the technology is extremely intelligent, it cannot substitute human judgment when it comes to reading order. A PowerPoint presentation’s material, for example, will be shown in the order in which it was added to each slide. We would add slide information in the precise sequence it should be presented in an ideal world. In the real world, however, we add, delete, and shift stuff around to provide our users an easy-to-follow, welcoming experience. In PowerPoint documents, manually evaluating the reading sequence guarantees that everyone gets the same experience.

Alternative text

To explain photos, we use alternative (alt) text. The inclusion of alt text will be taken into consideration during an automatic accessibility inspection. The correctness of alt text will not be taken into account by automated scanning. We will make sure each of your photographs has a detailed explanation.

Our Process

Analysis: Experts in document cleanup scan and evaluate documents.

Preparation: During the analysis phase, anomalies are identified and discussed with the client. We use the latest and most advanced software for PDF remediation to make appropriate accessibility levels for WCAG 2.0, AODA, Section 508 and ADA compliant.
Validation: Assistive technologies and accessibility checkers are used to ensure that all papers are accessible.

Error resolution: We correct all errors found during the validation phase.

Delivery: Depending on the client’s preferences, we can arrange a variety of delivery methods.

Our Guarantee
We perform both automatic and human testing to validate accessibility as we make your publication accessible. If we find anything that may change the appearance of your document, we will ask for your permission before making the necessary changes.

We guarantee that all your PDF documents are compliant with Section 508, WCAG 2.0, AODA and ADA standards.

Using a number of accessibility checkers, Super DTP‘s initial validation and quality control tests ensure the document’s technical conformity to your selected standard’s success criteria. Our PDF remediation experts, on the other hand, strive for far better quality than what can be examined by automated checkers alone. We undertake further accessibility and usability testing using screen readers after the initial testing.